How many more years do you have to give to the Mortgage Industry? How much frustration have you gone through? I've been in the game for 10 years and I've had my share of ups and downs. I never thought I'd ever need to leave the building to get a drink so I didn't kill everyone in the office, but The Mortgage Business will do that to you. Most of you reading this post will agree.
Unfortunately, we have grown to love this industry for one reason and one reason only. M.O.N.E.Y. What else can we do and have the freedom that we have enjoyed? What else can we do and make this kind of money? Before the Mortgage Crisis, My Joke was "I wonder how much money I could make if I actually worked 6 hours a day"? Now that the crisis is still here, it's more about how much money can I make period... I'll work 10 hours a day if I can just make half the money we were making before. It's a sad state for the true mortgage professionals out there.
I can completely relate with you. I've been in the situation where I've had 20k going in one day, and ended that day with about 2k. That is just what this business will do to you. The ups and the downs take years off your life. That is something I'm just not willing to settle for. My health, sanity and marriage is not worth the mortgage business.
If you are at all like me and know that you can't continue to give your life to this industry and you would like to know of a way you can use your talents, fill out the form to the right. I'm not looking for people who are looking to make a quick buck, I'm looking for people who are willing to hunker down and make some things happen. I'm willing to help you get that feeling back of actually having some self worth instead of just being a "Rate Whore".
It's a shame what the bureaucrats have done to this industry. It's no longer about skills and relationships, it's whoever will tell the client they have the best rate. The internet has truly killed this business.
Well if you can agree with what I'm saying and you are interested in your exit strategy; Let's Connect. enter your information to the right and let's get started. Talk to you soon.